Thursday, February 23, 2006

21 ON 23

Now that it's of legal age, our marriage will be in the bar, having a beer or two. It's definitely a conscientious objector, so don't even think of drafting it. Its relatively unique, sadly so among our peers, so we feel pretty lucky. It's healthy overall, even if a few hairs are out of place here or there. Its pretty quiet most of the time, but that doesn't make it boring, not by a longshot. Its fun without being too exotic or eclectic. Its comfortable but not ornate. It's well worn but not worn down or worn out. The warranty's run out by now, so it's carefully handled, but not hidden away in a cupboard or a hutch somewhere. Its funny at times, and it is sometimes disagreeable, but it is mainly constant. Its the sum total of its components and then some - a positive synergy. It's lightning quick in its movements and progressions, begging the question "how and where did that time go so quickly?"


At 11:30 PM, Blogger CAMOON said...

Happy Anniversary


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