Thursday, February 16, 2006


It's what we've come to expect from Vice President Noxious Gasbag. Only talking to his consiglieres at Fox News - you know, the "We Distort, You (heh-heh) Decide" guys. Never NEVER NEVER saying "I'm sorry" or "I screwed up;" instead we get a Dr. Seuss like, "I'm-the-guy-who-pulled-the-trigger-that-fired-the-shot-that-hit-my-friend" sing song statement which is then spun like Rumplestiltskin on steroids into "remorse." The only remorse expressed was self-remorse, as in Feel sorry for ME, 'cause I had "one of the worst days of my life." I think Harry Whittington's day didn't end on a high note, either. That and if he said "Accurate" or "Accuracy" one more time - realizing this in its context of telling no one for nearly 24 hours about it ,and then not speaking to the public about it himself for nearly 5 days, what a colossal tool.

Their eyewitness thought Cheney had had a heart attack. If that is true, she must not have seen the shooting.

If Cheney saw "Harry fall" why the hell didn't he see Harry standing.

If Cheney really does "take responsibility" why not publicly countermand all the trolls and sycophants out there (Armstrong and McClellan to name two) who were trying to slide blame over onto Whittington?

Ditto the alcohol thing. If he had "one beer (ask any cop how often they've heard "one" or "two" beers from the weaver they've just pulled over at midnight)" why didn't he point out that the Sheriff's report was not accurate, or that Armstrong's initial assertions of "Dr. Pepper" were, ahem, not accurate?

Why does it take 14 hours to get a "Story" straight when there were 3 - 4 principals involved in the whole thing?


At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The unnamed third hunter. Hmmmmm.....why is she a secret?

Why indeed!


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