The only thing worse than watching a great Bruin basketball team go down to defeat to the Seattle Poodles - okay, well there are two things. One is watching the Bruins lose because of two very correctable fundamental issues - turnovers (20), and crappy free-throw shooting (19-29). The second is having to listen to Steve 'Grease-boy" Lavin blather on with useless cross-sports metaphors and assorted platitudes which remind all - in viscously putrid detail - what an idiotic move Pete Dalis made by hiring the greased one as Head coach in '97. A great Lavin-ism from yesterday "you can't work on fundamentals like free-throw shooting during the Season." Lavin oughta know; his teams were among the least-disciplined, fundamentally unsound groups in the entire long history of the program. He brought in loads of talent, and never developed any of it. Unfortunately, yesterday's great Bruin team had a Lavin relapse, and it showed.
Coach Howland, you CAN work on fundamentals during the season, even if it means shooting extra FT's at practice for every player who is below 70%. No excuse for missing more than 3 out of 10 at this level. 70% from the line, and 1 or 2 fewer turnovers was the difference in this ballgame.
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