Its got to be hard work to be Tim Russert - the one-time likable everyman of NBC's right sliding infotainment wing. Trying to cash himself as liked by everyone - trying to publish heartwarming "i really care" pablum like "Big Russ and Me" talking about his visits with Popes and Presidents and Cleveland Indians games blah blah blah, while at the same time, doing the bidding of some of the most corrupt, vile creatures ever to inhabit the White House.
This morning Russert just did a hack job on the poor bastard from Jefferson Parish who, three weeks ago cried like a baby on his show about a death in a nursing home, issuing a highly emotional indictment of the Federal government's shoddy and slacking response to the horrors of that City's misfortune.
Russert - who rudely shifted gears on Mr. Broussard back then (9/4/05), brought him back on the show today for the sole purpose of trying to embarrass the guy into admitting that the LOCAL Government was to blame for the death, not the Feds. Over and over - like a modern day Torquemada (or perhaps a "contracted" Gitmo interrogator) Russert kept trying to lead Broussard into apostasy - the story was false or exaggerated, there had been indictments of rest home owners, hell, even that Russert himself had interviewed the son of the deceased, and the story had been overblown.
Broussard handled himself admirably under the blisteringly stupid attempt to gain an apology for the flaccid feds. Has Russert forgotten the vaunted "Brownie?" Or did Karl and "Unka Dick" tell tubby Timmy that he needed to do this for them or "no more "Face time" with high level admin officials. And Timmy bought that?
With the Abramoff scandal brewing, Patrick Fitzgeralds Plame investigation winding up, Bill Frist having some 'splaining to do about his stock in his Brother's HCA (anyone remember Columbia HCA?), with the "Enquirer" story about the President's resumption of drinking, the fomenting disgust with the Iraq war, spiraling oil and gas prices - the full effect of which will hit the economy right about the time that the Holidays will be arriving, expect more and more of the high muckety mucks in this cabal to be spending more and more "Face time" with the legal counselor of his or her choice.
Shame on you Russert. You once were "everyman." Now you're busy cementing your legacy as a lap dog for the influential. Wasn't your soul worth more than that?
Watch for lane closures on I-90 tomorrow
Interstate 90 will be reduced to one eastbound lane Saturday between Argonne and University.
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