Oh, thank you, George Will, oh bland vanilla wordsmith of the Right Wing. Now I understand where poverty comes from, and most importantly how it can be eradicated. We needed no "War on Poverty." We needed no "New Deal." We need no Government Program at all. Just follow George's simple 3 pronged program, which he revealed to the nation over the weekend. To avoid poverty all one has to to is follow:"three not-at-all recondite rules: … Graduate from high school, don't have a baby until you are married, don't marry while you are a teenager."
You hear that, old people? If you hadn't had that kid out of wedlock you wouldn't be eating that can of dog food now. Hey you, carrying the sign at the freeway offramp, You shouldn't have dropped out your senior year. Gee George, does your recipe come in mulitple languages too? We could have the "Minutemen" distribute copies in Spanish at the border now, whadyathink?
I think the Ghost of Christmas Present said it best, when talking about the kids under his robe "This boy is Ignorance, this girl is Want. Be wary of both but most of all beware this Boy, for upon his brow is written the word Doom for all those who would deny his existence."
George you sad walking lexicon of bowtie-induced hypoxia hypocrisy. Give it a rest.
It would take a crapload of Sudafed but I think we've found the lead for "The Don Knotts Story" if Hollywood ever gets tired of re-making bad original films, yaknow?
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