Lessee, mah poll numbers is tankin', but sheeyit Karl, I been sayin' that Ah don' care 'bout no polls. Ah'm the Prezdent, Ah'm a war Prezdent. What'm I gonna do?
Oh, apologize? APOLOGIZE? For what? It wadn't mah fault! Them dumb people shoulda got outta there. Drive, row, wade Ah Don't care, jes' get it done. Speakin' of which, somethin' jest popped inta mah head. How's ol', c'mon it'll come to me, How's ol' Robbie doin' up there on the Hill? We gonna git us a new Scalia - ah mean Rehnquist?
WAIT! WAIT! Ah got it, we'll have a twelve step program. First, Ah'll take responsibility for the guvment response to Katrina. But Ah won't apologize. Then, ah'll come up with a plan to rebuild that great city where I came to enjoy mahself (heh heh heh) sometimes a little too much, then Ah'll go on TV and look all sincere an' tell everybody how much Ah care 'bout 'em, maybe Ah'll even cry a little. No, Ah'd need to be a good actor to do that, like Fred Thompson or Arnie. Heck. that's three steps already, nine more and ah'll be back on track and we'll get our Death Tax repealed and social securety, uh fixed. Karl! Karl! Ah got it figgered out all on mah own . . . .
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