Sunday, November 12, 2006


Pretty boring week, nothing really happened, right? . . . Well, the Dems are back in control of the Legislative branch - or will be in January. Meantime, the Bush Cheney clearance sale has started, as they try to toss some cronies under the bus and slam a few heart's desires through the outgoing Senate. How else does one explain the insipid attempt to get Crazy Bolton re-upped as U.N. ambassador. Considering that the Prez couldn't get this nutcase approved by a solidly Republican Senate, he's really stretching to think that it's likely to happen now . . . meanwhile, good riddance Rummy, just one week after we were sold the story that the Prez was pleased with Rummy and Cheney and that both were staying on til the end. Hmm, when can we expect the Dick to be tossed under the bus . . . speaking of Cheney, has anyone noticed that incoming House Speaker Pelosi has only been saying that Impeachment of the President is off the table? Between Bush's endorsement flip flop on his evil twin, and the implication of the Pelosi statement, the DICK must be revisiting the wisdom of telling Senator Leahy (expected to become Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee) to go "F***" himself on the Senate floor a couple of years back. Then again, that may be a little too close to actual remorse to expect that from a soulless, malignant b*st*rd like Cheney . . . in other news, the Bruins broke their 4 game losing streak, besting Oregon State in a game devoid of any thrills . . . were the Beavers drugged, and if so, is there enough left for the Trojans next month? The best news is that LOST'S kid's Pop Warner team ended the season with their first win, and gave the gaggle of young gridders something to cheer about, and something to look forward to next year.


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