GET THE HELL OUT AND VOTE!! Tuesday is another chance to be heard. This is a chance to put down your Cheese Sandwich tendencies (both D and R) and vote your party. Drop that. Put it aside, at least at the Federal Level. If you think Iraq is going swimmingly well, If you like "Full Speed Ahead" in Iraq the way we're already going.
if you like the fact that China now makes most of our consumer products and is also the largest international holder of U.S. debt securities, if you like people who decry abortion but do nothing about it, if you like talking about homeland security, but the fact that the ports and borders are still left unscrutinized, if you like the response to Hurricane Katrina, if you think that Medicare Part D prescription coverage is easy to follow, and that it was a good idea to prohibit Canadian purchases and negotiations with Big Pharma, if you think that DeLay, Abramoff, Cunningham, Ney, Foley, Ted Haggard, George Allen, and Dennis Hastert are all just ethical hiccups, if you think that global warming is a myth, if you think that the disappearance of middle class jobs and housing affordability are great trends for the country, if you think that health care is just a luxury, one that employers have no reason to provide, if you think that the non-colllege educated should have to hold down two jobs just to afford a place to live and cover their nut, if you think the public schools should all be shuttered, if you think that its perfectly normal and acceptable that the Vice President of the United States should earn millions of dollars in stock options from a private contractor with the Government while in office, if you think that abortion is wrong but that overcreation of fertilized eggs for in vitro fertilization is hunky dory, even when those extra eggs are destroyed, if you think that our energy crisis is solvable by drilling in protected Alaskan wilderness, if you believe that voting without a verifiable ballot, on software unauditable by the Federal government, then vote Republican
If you want things to change, vote for change. For Heaven's sake.
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