Sunday, April 02, 2006


Yeah, after yesterday, the font color had to be blue . . . still NO respect for the Bruins by anyone outside of Los Angeles . . . after 30 years of having to go there from time to time, why is it that the DMV continues to resemble the Job Fair for Carnies? . . . how low will John McCain go to become the GOP Presidential nominee - - he's already been leashed by Dubya, now he's brown nosing Jerry Falwell, too? . . . will someone please explain to the Reagan lovers that he did not end the Cold War, that at most his monstrous defense spending increase may have hastened the crumbling of the Soviet Union? then again, those who need to be convinced aren't gonna listen anyway . . . Al Franken should have been a speech writer for the Kerry campaign, The Truth With Jokes succinctly debunks and destroys so many of the Rovian talking points that one cannot help but wonder what this would have done in 2004 . . . how far we've come, from FDR's "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself", to Bush-Cheney's "the only thing we have to sell is . . . " . . . Note to Condoleeza, thousands of mistakes? No, I can think of about 59 million mistakes, all made around November, 2004 - and many of those mistaken ones are starting to realize it, too.


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