Sunday, March 26, 2006


With all of the stupid things people make or buy for their pets, you'd think someone would come up with the Canine-ostomy bag, for easy clean up . . . Been listening to the Audio version of Al Franken's "The Truth . . .With Jokes" and thinking about how good it is that I live soo far away from some of my better - but conservative friends. Franken's book isn't saying anything LOST didn't already read or hear about in 03 or 04, but he's definitely put it into an easily understandable and pointed package . . . too many people know too much about who is on "American Idol" and not enough about American Foreign Policy . . .That said, how 'bout those Bruins? . . . Half a million people in the streets of Los Angeles yesterday protesting the GOP push to criminalize Hispanic Immigrants - weren't those who were here illegally already breaking the law? Why in the name of Sensenbrenner did we need a new law, rather than enforce the existing ones (and you gun nuts didn't think anyone listened to you, didja?) Did any of the L.A. area's "Denny's" restaurants have to shut down for lack of kitchen staff? Someone really should take a survey at the local greasy spoons from the patrons, find out the feelings of those frequent consumers of $2.99 breakfast specials how they feel about this evil immigration stuff - with a few questions about who does their lawnmowing and leafblowing while your at it . . . will the Mayor of Kabul, Mr. Karzai, release Abdul Rahman, the man "Standing trial" for the capital crime of converting to Christianity ten years ago, or will the Religious righties go into full apoplexy over this element of Freedom on the March? Don't bet on it, Sean Hannity will shout it all down and make it all better, nighty night righties . . . don't listen to 'em when they protest, everybody likes a little potty humor now and again . . . In a paperwork snafu of epic proportions, could we please have Rove and Cheney mistakenly routed on the next "Strategic Rendition" flight to Hotpokerstan, and not have the mix up cleared for at least a week? Oh, yeah, I forgot, the US doesn't torture anybody, thanks George, I forgot. The worst part about the Spring is that Bud Selig crawls out of his hole, sees his shadow and we get 7 months of baseball . . . rather watch Little League, so long as the stands have cry rooms for the most misbehaving parents . . .


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