Its a wonder anyone is paying attention to them anymore. The stench of their dishonesty arrives hours before they do. Now, as the violence escalates, and while no asks the important questions like "Who's side do we want the Iraqi soldiers to stand on when they stand up?" or "what was the Threat that you saw in Iraq?" and "If you never said, and you very careful never to say Iraq and 9/11 were connected, how do you account for the military getting that one so wrong, given the Zogby poll results?" Does that mean that others in your administration said those things and if that weren't true why did you allow them to mislead people? If it was the conservative talkshows why did you let them pass out disinformation like that?" they've come up with a new scapegoat. The Media is losing the war for us, 'cause they won't report all the good things that are happening in Iraq. In fact, little kids get candy, people dance and sing, and walk their dogs and go to school and their high paying jobs. Its just like Pleasantville or Springfield, but with a few more explosions.
Has it occurred to the Rovian automatons that, perhaps the public's perception on things going bad has been shaped by the clumsy efforts of this administration to spin certain events positive - like the Pat Tillman fiasco, or the puffery surrounding Jessica Lynch's "rescue," Hussein's capture, those great elections which installed a plurality of Iranian-enamored Shiites, or the desperate and oafish efforts put into first blocking the Abu Ghraib photos, then trying to shift all of the blame onto a small handful of renegade nobodies in the rank-and-file. Perhaps the real issue is the lack of credibility held by the Administration, and this deficit accounts for why so many folks turn away when they start pimping all the great successes and progress in Iraq.
Sure there are still 33 percent of Americans who eat this crap up like it was Ambrosia. But for a growing majority, the masks are off, and the porcine mammals are being caught crimson snouted in the trough. For the "its not our fault" crowd, newsflash - you're a walking bunch of disasters
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