Gee, I feel so much better. The guy who said we'd be greeted as liberators, that Iraq would be a cakewalk, that Saddam Hussein had reconstituted nuclear weapons, that last Summer was the Last Throes of the insurgency in Iraq, just said that the warrantless domestic spying program was okay because, as he told journalistic snail darter Jim Lehrer "It's been looked at thoroughly within the Administration."
The same Administration that gave us "Brownie"
The same Administration that fed us WMD crap
The same Administration that paid money to pundits to write fake news articles pimping their programs
The same Administration that screens speech audiences
The same Administration that harbors people who out CIA agents for political purposes
The same Administration that censors media coverage of the horrors of the war
The same Administration that sends troops into battle without enough body armor
The same Administration that's afraid of a middle aged mom of a dead soldier
The same Administration that didn't send enough armored vehicles into Iraq
The same Administration that's ignored the growing threats in Iran and North Korea
The same Administration that has let Osama bin Ladin stay alive and free
The same Administration who ignored briefings about bin Laden wanting to hijack planes and attack the US
The same Administration that has gutted environmental laws
The same Administration that has spent half a trillion dollars on an elective war
The same Administration that has slashed taxes during a time of war
The same Administration that ignored Enron's gaming of the energy market
The same Administration that tried to make political hay out of a brain dead woman and vilified her husband in the process
The same Administration that ignores global warming and climate change
The same Administration that slashed enforcement for mining safety
The same Administration that has watched manufacturing jobs spew overseas.
Those guys. They've thoroughly reviewed the spying.
Damn, I feel soo much better.
Novel Idea for Congress: Since torture, Gitmo, Abu Ghraib, stop loss orders, and domestic spying are all being blamed on the post 9/11 "Force Resolution" from Congress, how 'bout the 535 members grow some 'nads and rescind the Resolution, so our civil liberties can be restored?
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