Admitted serial molester Michael Wempe awaits his fate, as he sits in court, listening to final arguments in his criminal molestation trial. Men like Wempe don't deserve death - that's too easy. Their brand of evil deserves serious punishment. So does the behavior of those who enabled them. Roger the Dodger Mahony deserves to be punished for his slack-jawed "Gee we didn't know this wasn't curable in 1986" crap that enabled him to rationalize putting predators like Wempe and Michael Baker - the one time fresh-face of Catholicism in the next parish over from where LOST sang the hymns and held the paten for the communicants - back into the system at different parishes. Roger has been feeding the legal meter for sooo long you'd think he was a Soprano, hiding documents, playing like he cares while he's busy hiding the ball, keeping people from the measley measure of justice that a handful of dollars can provide to a shattered life. All the while, the message gets floated out into the parishes - you can hear it if you listen closely - that this isn't as big a problem as the lib'rul, Church-hating media makes it out to be, or this is about greedy trial lawyers. Are there greedy trial lawyers? LOST knows there is. Are there some journalists who hate the church? True enough. Did they create the fondling Michaels - Wempe and Baker? Hell no. Did those lib'rul journalists and money grubbing lawyers hurt those young children, ruin their adult lives? Not on your life. Did the Church hierarchy know it was going on? Don't make me laugh, because none of it is funny. Not one damn vignette of it. There is a Hell, and these perpetrators will have to reap a windfall of Divine mercy to avoid it. Their hierarchy enablers -on the other hand - should make their reservations and pack their Summer clothes for the journey. Until that day, they ought to resign, and load up on the ashes and sack-cloth
In a strange way, Tony Soprano has more morals than Mahony & Co.
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