Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Yep, just by asking, Hamas will renounce its evil ways and say "Welcome" to Israel.
Yep, by continuing to pile men up on a heap of casualties, we'll honor the mission in Iraq
Yep, by calling the opposition naysayers we will promote unity
Yep, by making tax cuts permanent we'll make the economy roar
Yep, by appointing radical reactionary justices we'll prevent legislation from the bench
Yep, by claiming that crime, abortion and teen pregancies are all declining, we'll make it true.

Yep, and by removing any amount of dissidence - including one 40 something Mom of a dead soldier, we'll promote freedeom. Hauling Cindy Sheehan out of the House Chamber - as she sat there, a ticketed guest of a California Congresswoman, is a sign that this Administration can't weather criticism of any kind. Pathetic.


At 8:43 PM, Blogger lostnacfgop said...

Oh, and did anyone catch the irony that Bushie pulled an "intervention" on us, by calling us "Addicts" of oil. How nice. He owes his election and re-election to big oil interests. He likely invaded Iraq over control over oil - meaning that 2200 plus young servicemen and women died, and almost 20,000 more maimed, because of oil. His VEEP has seen his net worth explode thanks to oil. Exxon Mobil just posted obscenely record profits last year. And W the Jesus-finding recovered poly-abuser is gonna cure us of our addiction affliction. PUH-FREAKING-LEAZE

At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No kidding!

I'm driving an economy car and paying $2.69 per gallon for 87 octane, but it's my fault because I'm an addict. Glad President Schittbag cleared that up for me; I feel so much better now.


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