Chicago hires Mrs. O'Leary's cow as a public relations person for the Fire Department. Exxon inks a deal with Joseph Hazelwood to teach navigation to tanker captains. The Red Sox bring back Bill Buckner as a fielding Coach. Coke brings back "New Coke" for a second try - people just didn't get it the first time. Ford introduces the new Edsel, shelves the Mustang.
No, no no no and No. But this competency challenged Administration brings back the biggest F--- Up in he entire F--- Up Orchard. "Brownie" will be a consultant over how FEMA's response was poor to Katrina. He'll be paid to answer the question "why did you F--- this up so bad, Brownie?" Why? Were no prosecutors available? Was this because Abramoff was, ahem, not in a position to arrange suitable new employment? Were there no more Congressional Medals of Freedom to be handed out? Is Brownie now making even more money as a consultant to a fouled up agency than he was as its head? Does Brownie have pictures of Bushie, his buddies Jim Beam and Jack Daniels and a Pet Goat?
How 'bout a better question, can we eliminate the middle man and just drown Grover Norquist in the bathtub? Yeah, I know there'd be a lot of aqueous slime as a biproduct, but hey, we'll never have a more cooperative situation at EPA than presently.
Forget the signs!!! Forget the speakers, its time to get the torches and pitchforks, people. The level of "screw everybody" ethos expressed by this bunch of criminals as astounding
Has anyone told you lately that you are an excellent writer?
And what really pisses me off about this extension of the extension of stupidity is that he is still on severance pay from FEMA so he's double dipping... Why the "F..." didn't they require him to write himself up as a condition of getting the severance pay?
Well, you just did, TYVM. So did the LA Times (again).
As for Brownie, he's really there to serve as verbal punching bag - to put a face on the failure that isn't GWB's and hope that he rouses some of the Cheese Sandwich partisans in the process. The rest of 'em will, apparently be sated when FEMA starts handing out those reimbursement checks to the charities and "Faith-based orgs" that helped out with Katrina? This Conservative administration is gonna use tax payer money to reimburse charities? Nope, nothing wrong here.
Is this true? Brownie will be investigating what went wrong? I had not seen this. I assumed he would be questioned -- extensively at that. But it never occurred to me that anyone - not even GWB - would appoint Brownie to conduct an investigation. Isn't it a rather enormous conflict of interest?
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