Monday, January 01, 2007

Just across from the TV Cameras, in the foreground of the Norton SImon Museum grounds, some daring Quixotic soul has dangled an "IMPEACH" spell out sign, with one page per letter, in a perfect spot to get it featured in nearly every entry's close up. Yes, it's not likely to happen, but what ever it takes to keep our Chimperor on his heels and backpedaling these next two years is a good thing. Maybe he's forcing Condi to stick her hand in front of the TV every time it comes on. Nahhh, that's probably Snow's job. Condi and Dick are too busy developing invasion plans . . . .

. . . for whatever reason, LOST ain't sure why, but that UM fight song has always resonated better than Ohio State. Probably because in the late 60's and early 70's, when those schools were led by their respective misanthropic head coaches, Michigan always seemed to be the one that was a few points short of the Pasadena trip? Just a thought anyway. Happy New Year you readers of the upper midwest (both of you)!!!!


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