Sunday, December 24, 2006


Yes, the day has arrived, with much of the fanfare it has since 1964 or 65 - the earliest Christmas memories in LOST's banks - and while the shopping is finally done (is it EVER?) and the pies are heating up and the cookies are cooling and the wrapping is finished and all those other preps are complete - as they're going to get, anyway, it is time to reflect and give the gifts that cannot bought at any store at any price for those who are on the mental list in heart and soul this time of year. And so, in no particular order . . .

To Tony Snow, the President, and Condoleeza Rice, a loud, disgusting and enduring gag reflex that kicks in each and every time they try to sugarcoat, finesse, contort or otherwise assault the truth when speaking in public. Those guttural press conferences are apt to get more entertaining - in an Animal House sort of way at least . . .

To Pete Carroll and company, enough energy and focus to beat Michigan handily in Pasadena, then go in the tank for the next half a decade

To the Foster-Moons, true happiness and contentment through the chaotic pace of family life for decades to come.

To those people in LOST's Catholic parish still blindly ignorant enough to keep their "W-04" ovals on their rear bumpers, a profound sense of shame, followed by the dawning horror that no human effort can completely remove the darn things at this point, without leaving an indelible tell-tale shadow on their paint jobs where their ingnorance had once been so proudly displayed.

To four members of the Escondido City Council who refused to consider a request by the Salvation Army to open a homeless shelter early made at last week's council meeting, to wake up Christmas Morning in a strange city, dressed in rags and without ID, at the back of the line at an urban soup kitchen, where they must spend 3 days walking in those shoes.

To LOST's friend Rob and his father, an enduring Christmas miracle and an equally enduring Faith in the Maker of such miracles.

To LOST and LOST's siblings, the depth of courage and integrity necessary to say "I'm sorry" and "I forgive you" to all of those within the brood who need to hear it.

To Cardinal Mahony, the fortitude to apologize, resign, and fade into obscure works of penance and humility.

To "Aunt Kathy" and "Uncle Cliff" the pursuit of the former's eye for the camera, wherever it may lead them.

To Karl Dorrell, a jar of emotion elixir, and directions to ingest a little bit every Fall Saturday at about noon.

To Stevers, a soul mate.

To Dick Cheney, a two week seminar on remedial hunting, to be held in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge ("ANWR"), taught by heavily armed, trained Grizzly bears.

To "Generalissimo Patron," a Chargers Super Bowl victory this season, and a Cal Bears Rose Bowl appearance - sometime in the next decade.

To the Iraqi people, light at the end of the tunnel of violence and unrest in their homeland.

To the stingy of heart and mind and mammon this Christmas, realization of the joy that generosity can bring.

To LOST's "disappearing" younger sister, a 10 k run personal best under 50 sometime this year.

To Ben Howland and company, their own banner to hang in the Pauley rafters.

To "junior" a Safe return back home from the final tour overseas.

To anybody "left out" Peace, Joy and happiness this Season of hope and miracles.


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