WEEKEND STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS(a blurt which couldn't wait for Sunday) In nearly 46 years of living in the Red South End of this Golden State, LOST does not recall experiencing cold, cloudy weather all day long, into the month of May . . . it seems the new hip quick place to eat and be seen eating is "Panera Bread." How can you tell its hip? First clue is the predominantly female clientele, all dressed to the nines and carrying their Burberry purses or Gucci clutch bags, or their handbag dogs (Are these little rats-in-the-bag metaphorical for what some of these gals would like to do to their husbands/boyfriends/ex'es?). In fact, it looks like some of these gals finished their caramel macchiatos from the coffee shop down the strip row, and simply walked (okay, some of them drove) four doors down to get in line at Panera. From today forward, LOST will refer to the place as "Chickwich." The second thing is that 9 bucks gets you 7 spoonfuls of soup and a 2" square hunk of sandwich you'd expect from a christening party at your tightwad relative's house - yes, but dieting is expensive, right? . . . . . . Rush Limbaugh and Tom De Lay have the same mugshot
photo presentation consultant? Either that or el Rushbo was simply ablaze when he turned himself in . . . LOST is waiting for the Group Picture, Rove, Limbaugh, Abramoff, DeLay, Ney, and "Scooter" in their orange jumpsuits. According to reports this week, the Dukestir may be having an even better time in prison that anyone ever thought . . .100 bucks a person is all that stands between voracious oil swine and the ANWR? Exactly how stupid does the Republican Congress think we the people are? Then again, perhaps they're keying off of the re-election of the Preznit, and so perhaps its just faulty intelligence on somebody's part? . . . Speaking of big oil, LOST means really big Fat sloppy Lee Raymond big oil
, no one seems to believe we'll get to the bottom of why gas prices are scaling record heights, and nobody believes that the government can do anything about it - the Preznit is particularly perturbed at the idea of a "windfall profits tax." LOST says "bollux" to all that. You want to bring prices down from their perilous, budget busting, gouge-a-rama prices? Simple application of Preznitical logic. Gouging the American people IN A TIME OF WAR is unpatriotic, it is HURTING FREEDOM, it is, simply put, behaving like ENEMY COMBATANTS. Therefore, a couple of D.C. dispatched trips to Exxon Mobil and Conoco Phillips headquarters, grab the CEO and a few board members for a little plane ride to Guantanamo and all of the awaiting thrills and (perhaps literally) chills of that Magic Kingdom, and LOST suspects gas prices would drop back down to the manageably obscene levels of 2.50 a gallon by day's end. Call that one "A Modest Proposal" for the New American Century.
Get the Dukestir a LAMBDA necklace and a rainbow decal for his car!
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