Okay, so LOST knows its been awhile when Mom writes and wants to know if all is okay 'cause that whiny basketball post is still up and so, get over yourself, yaknow? Truth is it hasn't been about that - that water is long passed under the bridge. But with no more Tom deLay to kick around - he's leaving and blaming you evil Christ-hating-lefty-bloggers for hastening his demise, with the nonchalant revelation that it was Bush AND cheney who dropped the dime on Valerie Plame - - like "what's-the-big-deal-we-declassify-all-the-time," and the oh so vibrant discussion of exactly what is a "Tactical" nukular weapon - oh that's right, I remember, a tactical Nuke is the kind you use frequently on a country which you're trying to convince that nukes are bad and dangerous - so you can't have any. Gappy Rice was right, thousands of tactical errors - and these guys seem hell bent on beefing up that number. Oh and, if Homeland Security turns up one more pedophile among its ranks, the Boston Archdiocese is going to bid on an a management contract for the Department. And speaking of perversions, what about this great story out of Arizona, a "fine, upstanding, family values Mormon State Senator with his honor student son -" who admitted to shoving a broomstick up the behinds of 18 pre-teens at a week long camp. But hey, good thing it was not sodomy, because, as the prosecutor said, "they (the victims) had their clothes on." Oh, and only one count, because the State shouldn't interfere with this honor student's desire to go on his overseas Mormon mission this Fall! Putative rapists all over the Grand Canyon State are finally buying condoms - following the prosecutor's logic, and converting to Mormonism.
Maybe there's some hope. America's best known crackpotshot was roundly booed

The poll numbers keep spiraling downward - where they belong, , and one more Bush loving international leader is looking for work, this time in Italy. Tony Blair is not singing the Tehran Rumble song like the neocons any more. And Fitz keeps giving the righties fits of their own with the briefs he is filing. Will knucklehead have to reach into the pardon pouch to get Libby out of the fire? Stay tuned. Go Francine Busby, too. Maybe even in this kooky place, people are snapping out of their stupor . . .
He couldn't even throw it right...
must've been that 1.8 million dollar TAX REFUND weighing down the wallet in his throwing side pants pocket!!!
Whatta bastard! Never had a job out of politics until he left the Bush I admin, now he's making sooooooo much investment income that he generates a one year tax refund equal to a lifetime of salaries for for the average worker. What a pirate.
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