Okay, LOST had gotten out of the habit, probably the elections of 2004 were the last straw, of watching local "network affiliate" news on a daily basis. Partially this was disgust over the infotainment that had crept in like crabgrass, only to overwhelm the entire blooming broadcast of information. Remember the days when, if you wanted to know who the Hell in Hollywood was sleeping with whom, you had to reach across the checkout stand and grab one of those embarrassing ragazines, in front of the whole world? Not anymore, just tune in at 5, 6 and 11, and you'll get Brad and Jen, Jacko, MJ, OJ, JLo, 50cent and JEEZ I feel like I'm in acronickname HELL!!!!
But I digress. Tonight, the local network took the cake. They have long adopted a "Viewer's poll" format, whereby the public is asked some burning question of the day, and then they post the results from votes cast on the internet.
Tonight's installment was "What kind of disaster would you prefer to face," and the voters had to choose from Hurricane, Earthquake, Flood, or Tornado. Sorry, Two terms of President Cheney was not one of the disaster choices listed. Anyway, Earthquake won in a landslide (pun premeditated), and I caught myself sliding further down the ramp of incredulity.
What, do people think that life is like some Elvis Costello concert, with his Incredible Spinning Songbook. Spin the wheel and Elvis'll play whatever comes up? Kind of like, well we think we know You're up there, God, so if You're thinking about it, we'd be just peachy with an earthquake rather than some of that other stuff. But please, nothing over 7 on Richter's scale, please.
Is this what TV news has become??? I want my level of awareness back! Oh, wait, gotta go, Access Hollywood is about to start and tell me all the intimate details about people I've no interest in, and I've got to go plug in now!!!!!!!!!!!
You should see the morning news...
we get a plastic surgery of the week every week on KUSI 8
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