It would be funny, okay, well it IS STILL funny. Here's the guy who doesn't listen or care about polls - he tells us that nearly every chance he gets - showing up in the Gulf for the 8th time since he booted the Katrina ball, and this time he's decked out like Bob the Builder. You can almost hear him "see, this'll make 'em forget about that guitar playin' photo while them black people were drownin' heh heh heh"
Guess again George. "Plummeting" is the word best used to describe your standing with the people in this country. Your "brain" is hiding under the table, cowering in the face of possible indictment. Your insipid choice for Supreme Court justice has resonated with few beyond yourself and your shrinking cabal of toadies the scariest of tele-fascimentalists. Consumer prices just took their biggest jump since the last year of the Carter Administration. Winter heating costs are conservatively estimated to be jumping 30% this Winter, but you're not gonna say a word to your base about it, 'cause this is what they bought and paid for when they became "Pioneers" and "Rangers." And you're running around telling people that the lesson we learned from Vietnam is never cut and run. No wonder 2,000 dead means squat to you. We've still got 56,000 more to really drive your lesson home, now, don't we?
Bill Maher said it best, Mr. President, next time you have a dress up photo op, you have to be a cop or an Indian. You've already been a sailor, a biker, and now a construction worker. You're only two "Village People' away from completing the whole set.
Well done!!
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