LOST notes that today is Bruin Homecoming. Like so many times in the past, LOST ain't gonna be there. Yeah, we could use the Dad-esque excuse "It's too far to drive, I've got the best seat in the house" and all that, but truth be told, LOST expected to be gearing up for a week long engagement today, which was moved only last week by two weeks. So, Coulda, shoulda, woulda, maybe.
This is also homecoming for another Bruin, of sorts. When he steps on the Rose Bowl turf today, Matt Moore will be starting quarterback - but not for the team he originally held that position for, when he first left high school. Moore, you see, lost his starting job with the Bruins in 2003, when a first year coach decided that his understudy, a guy named Olson, had played well enough not to be denied the chance to keep the job, even after an injured Moore returned to full strength. Is this a chance for payback? According to Moore's public comments, not at all, doesn't even enter into the picture. The problem is that public comments don't mean squat.
LOST remembers when his late father - a week after meeting the woman who would become Mrs. LOST (twenty plus years ago) stared LOST in the face and said "Son, I pray every night you'll become a priest" and LOST's mom quickly added, "Oh don't worry about that, I pray that you'll be HAPPY." LOST has always believed that Mom's translation into real world verbiage was "Son, I'm praying TWICE AS HARD AS DAD that You'll become a priest." So, by way of that monumental digression, I don't exactly trust Matt Moore when he says no big deal. To b*stardize Shakespeare, "methinks he doth protest too little."
Look for another toughie for the little Bears. Hitting 7-0 would wake the echoes of the McNown era, without a doubt. Come on Mo. Come on Drew. Come on rag tag Defense. Win it for the faithful, even the lazy faithful who wouldn't drive that far today!!1
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