Tuesday, October 11, 2005


The New York Times reports today that Harriet Miers was a frequent correspondent to then Governor Bush. Their written exchanges included such hard-hitting and profound topics as parenting:

"Hopefully Jenna and Barbara recognize that their parents are 'cool' - as do the rest of us . . .All I hear is how great you and Laura are doing . . . Texas is blessed."

Legal prowess (this one from the Prez):

"When it comes to cross-examination, Harriet can fillet better than Mrs. Paul. I know first-hand. She is my lawyer."

And of course, the vagaries of aging:

"You are the best governor ever - deserving of great respect . . . Texas is blessed." which garnered this response from the Gov.: "I appreciate your friendship and candor - never hold back your sage advice."

It occurs to me in reading all of this that Harriet Miers is the Anti-Ivins. The only possible ray of hope is that the vast majority of the amen corner shouters are truly overwrought by her selection, and that gives some - perhaps the only - cause for hope.

(" [sigh] ohhh, isn't he so dreamy?")


At 2:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Qualifications notwithstanding, I just want to know what the deal is with the black eyeliner rimming her eyes. Hasn't anyone told her that it looks pretty scary? Or is that maybe a desired effect?


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