From the Prez' "MAJOR POLICY SPEECH" today:
"At the time of our Fallujah operations 11 months ago, there were only a few Iraqi army battalions in combat. Today there are more than 80 Iraqi army battalions fighting the insurgency alongside our forces. Progress isn't easy, but it is steady."
General Abizaid, the field commander of U.S. (oops, I mean "CO A LITION") Forces in Iraq, responding to Senator McCain's question at last week's Armed Services Commitee Hearing of how many fully trained Iraqi Battalions now exist, given that there were 3 last year: "I believe that number is ONE"
Its one nugget, tucked away in a forty minute pile of garbledegook which Bushie seems unable to stop spewing, incapable of realizing that most people stopped buying it months ago. But that one little nugget smells like the entire milk farm pasture on a scorchy, windless day. There are really only two ways to take this kind of drivel. One is to conclude that the Prez knows otherwise, keeps repeating this falsehood to convince himself and others that its right, and he is a L-I-A-R.
The other scenario is that his own merry band of sycophants and advisers are L-Y-I-N-G to him and he's repeating the crap.
Would you prefer malignant dishonesty or felony stupidity in your Commander in Chief? Can I have "C None of the Above?"
Oh, and for you word counters out there, 4 "killers," 31 "terror," 10 "murder," 19 "Freedoms," 4 "coalitions," One "Osama" and 3 "Hates." I didn't check for "Jack Daniels" or "Jim Beam" though.
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