To commemmorate the stroke of genius that was the appointment of a self appointed Arabian horse expert to run the Federal government's emergency response agency, a man who remains under "consulting contract" to the agency two months after the crushing weight of his own very public unveiling as a twit forced his resignation, two new words have made it to the lexicon, as follows:
"Brownify" (var. "Brownification") v. To take a competently run agency or bureau of the Federal Government, purge it of all of the effective people in management positions, and liberally replace them with sycophantic partisan hacks. (see FEMA and the Coroporation for Public Broadcasting)
"Browniegotiate" (var. Browniegotiation) v. To restructure an employment relationship whereby publicly displayed gross incompetence necessitates a bureaucrat's resignation, only to be supplanted by a month to month "consulting agreement" at the same pay for so long as is necessary out of fear that media might "pry" embarrassing details from the shamed bureaucrat.
Yeah, I know it's lame to post on your own blog, but I just got through listening to Randi Rhodes and reading a CNN article on line about Brownie's emails. It is time for this Administration to toss this guy - not out of FEMA but under an entire fleet of buses. What an *ssh*le this guy is, and still on the payroll. Can somebody look at his Congressional testimony and see if there's anything worth slapping a perjury indictment upon?
Ain't gonna happen. Brownie won't be prosecuted for his reprehensible indifference to the suffering in New Orleans or for his utterly incompetent performance. But his record can and should be further exploited by Dems. He should be the poster child for what happens when government shirks its responsibilty to govern.
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