Sunday, November 02, 2008


Two days away from the big day and it can’t get here too soon. The polls all scream that change is in the works, and President Obama may find himself in that “be careful what you wish for” place we’ve all been allegorically cautioned about, but better him than an embittered old man with a hair-trigger temper, backed up by a complete air-head, right . . . Football season sucks, can’t even root root root for the Bruins, ‘cause this just ain’t quite their year . . . funny how the religion to most recently give up polygamy as an acceptable lifestyle is out on the forefront to “protect” and “restore” marriage – almost as funny as the fact that the old guys who dress like pirates and have to pee to sit down (Yep, that’s YOU, Knights of Columbus) are acting as willing sidemen in that effort, urged on by the clergy and hierarchy of the universal church. LOST thinks that handing out annulments to well-connected donors to obliterate their twenty-year old marriages is a greater threat to his quarter century union than any pair of Bob & Jims who want to pick out curtains and tie the knot, but LOST and his straight-but-not-narrow brood seem to be in the minority in this neck of the red woods . . . should not falling for the b-grade radio version of “Punk’d” not sound the political death knell for a Vice presidential candidate? LOST thinks so . . . but then that ballot’s already been mailed in . . . all children under thirty should read (or have read to them) “The Last Campaign” by Thurston Clarke, it’s a great history lesson, even if you know the hero dies in the end . . . it was 90 degrees yesterday in San Diego on All Saints’ Day, and it rained today (70 degrees) but the jury is still out on human impacted climate change? Only for repubtards, I’ll wager . . . does anyone else think that if the John McCain who appeared on SNL and the Al Smith Foundation dinner and David Letterman had showed up to the debates that he might still have a chance in this race? . . . NBA basketball season is too long – ditto the MLB Season, but at least they get Christmas time off . . . speaking of Christmas, is anyone in the mood for these commercials yet? At the moment, with the stock market forcing the adjustment of LOST’s retirement age up to the same level as the octane rating for the primary ride (“87”), apparently not. This is gonna be a lean one ‘round these parts, for sure . . .


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