There were nearly a dozen penalties, some of them ticky tack, but all of them very stupid. There was that ugly strut-dancing nonsense after some good-but-not-great plays. There were some great plays - long runs, a Kickoff return for TD to answer back on a Husky touchdown, an interception return for TD that was terrific. For awhile, it felt more than a bit like old-time WAC football. Yet the Bruins are undefeated in Conference play, atop the Pac-10 standings, and have at least temporarily rinsed the bad taste of Salt Lake City out of their mouths in a payback in over Washington. For LOST, this birthday gift comes a year later than hoped for, when the tenacious Huskies ruined #46 with a furious comeback last September in Seattle. All LOST can say is, "Coach Dorrell, you're done with the easy conference games. Get ready for the tought stuff."
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