Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Yesterday's message was clear - screw law and order, screw due process, screw the will of the people, screw determinate sentencing guidlelines, screw "tough on crime," the rule of law, and American jurisprudence. On the fourth anniversary of "Bring 'em on," our very own Blundering-Utterer-in-Chief, no doubt in response to the endless prattling from his cloven-hoofed, mudslide gross VEEP, put on his Decider/Commander Guy hat and told the country, to Fuck Off and Die, because Nothing is above Party Loyalty.

Hey Senator Feinstein! Remember that swell form letter you sent LOST last week - the one where you explained that Impeachment was simply too likely to "divide the country further?" How about this one? Does this act of blatant partisanship in defense of the indefensible get Impeachment back on the table? If not, have you given much thought to what you were gonna do after politics? You too, Boxer. All you so-called Democrats in Congress - who oughta be smart enough to recognize that this latest action is in malevolence magnitude eons beyond lying about one's sexual escapades, what say you? Lying to perpetuate power? Lying to cover up a hit job on a visible, vocal war critic? Lying to protect an abysmal war that was foisted upon us with bogus intelligence claims, and continues to be defended and perpetuated by the most gauzy thin of justifications? Is it enough yet? If not now, when? How many more dead and maimed will make it severe enough?

Cheney first, then Alito, and by then, look for Gonzalez and Bush to be making a run for the Texas border. Quit worrying about the 20% who think things are grand.


At 9:19 PM, Blogger CAMOON said...

here here
Well said............


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