Sunday, August 12, 2007

A frequent feature of the past makes a comeback, of sorts . . . can the Iowa straw poll thin the heard of also rans on the GOP-er side of the Preznit Pageant, 2008? Can we get to the Mittster and the 2 vangelicalistas (Huckabee and Brownback, the Place and Show winners), stat? . . . and how did "none of the above come out in the poll? No mention, and little mention of the 35% decline in participation over the last one of these held in 1999, or of how much formerly- pro-choice-but-now-"pro-Life" Mormon Mitt (sandals anybody?) spent in Iowa for each of those non-binding votes. Does anyone else smell the campaign equivalent of "Vanity publishing" here . . . speaking of the Sport of Kings, Del Mar's been running down here for 3 weeks already, and LOST's tally over 2 visits is, well, a lot of fun spent in the company of good people, but no happy post-race trips to the windows yet . . . time is more fleeting in happy times than sad, but the bad days come to an end just like the good ones do . . . how do you convince rock ribbed conservatives who say things like "all of our innovations in products have come from war?" I mean, where to start with that one? The telephone, invented by General Graham Bell? The Lieutenant's Duryea and their "military automobile?" Commander Edison and his lightbulbs? How about Capt Orville and Major Wilbur and their flying machine? And who could forget major Renaissance era hawk DaVinci, and all of his innovations, or Colonel Ben Franklin and his electricity experiments? Some folks will repeat stuff they heard their fave talkshow or Fox News head say with abandon and absent critical analysis, then stare blindly at you when you point out the fallacy . . . it bears repeating that overstated piety. like the exagerratedly slow, reverent movements of a church deacon coupled with a sermon delivered with dripping condescension is a major distraction from the message. Far too frequently in the past, those with the most perfect pretensions of holiness have been hiding a seediness below the surface . . . High school starts tomorrow TOMORROW? MID-AUGUST? for the locals including the LOST boys . . . talk about time blowin by . . . Is the market tanking, or is it's drop due to mortgage company losses being exacerbated by the flight of the skittish, and does it really matter why? Enquiring minds wanna know, especially those of us starting to think about retirement, that far off light on the horizon which doesn't seem to get closer, despite the increase in wrinkles and hair growth in unwanted locations . . . .


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