Sunday, May 27, 2007

No politics today. LOST simply needs a break from it, after last week's cave-and-spin.
So, driving up the hill from our little Stepfordesque enclave, LOST saw one. One of those makeshift memorial/monuments to . . . . something, LOST supposes. This one was affixed to a stainless steel k-rail, and consisted of a hand lettered sign and boquet. Yes, it was in the approximate location of a fatal auto accident from sometime in the last twelve months. But is this how the departed would prefer to be remembered? At the place of their last, desperate moments on the planet? Aren't there more fitting ways to enshrine the memory of a loved one? Carrying this out to the extreme, for pete's sake, people in Memphis would be dumping flowers around the Graceland commode where Elvis purportedly pinched off - er, breathed his last. Surely, there's a better way . . .at the supermarket today, an overheard conversation between a checker and a bagger. Okay, it wasn't overheard - it was being spoken loudly and clearly for all of the grocer's patrons to hear. And it was about the joys of social drinking - entire bottles of olive oil, vinegar, or Italian salad dressing. Good heavens, this was disgusting in a "Jackass" sort of way, and no, LOST hasn't seen either of those stupid celluloid monuments to human stupidity. Perhaps the grossest thing about being a choice-less spectator to the exchange was the fact that the checker extolling the pleasures of downing a whole bottle of Pompeii Extra Virgin was about 400 lbs and so amorphous that it was not feasible to determine whether this was a "he" or a "she", ICK! . . . but in the restoring faith category came the sermon at today's installment of Sunday Mass. Our long time deacon reminded us all that God is not necessarily a Lee Greenwood fan, and may not be particularly exercised about having to "Press 1 for English," or for that matter may not even care to. No, our Deacon spoke out loudly and clearly that God does, in His or Her infinite wisdom, care about all inhabitants of creation equally, and answers prayers of all without regard to efforts to create a national language. How refreshing in this land of the rednecks - where "fear and loathing of illegals" is not a Spiritual shortcoming, its the first two planks in a campaign platform for local public office. Thanks, Michael, you made LOST's day for that much appreciated blast of common sense from the pulpit.


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