Friday, May 11, 2007


You can find this in today's New York Times: HOUSTON, May 11 – Rudolph W. Giuliani directly challenged Republican Party orthodoxy on Friday, asserting that his support for abortion rights, gun control and gay rights should not disqualify him from winning the party’s presidential nomination and that Republicans need to be tolerant of dissenting views on those issues if they want to hold the White House.

In a forceful summation of the substantive and political case for his candidacy, delivered to a conservative audience at Houston Baptist College, Mr. Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, acknowledged that his views on social issues were out of line with many Republican primary voters.

LOST has been subject to bouts of failed and flawed memory of late, but it seems to me that this kind of stance was deemed deserving of condemnation by many in the ranks of the few, the proud, the (outwardly) pious, the (ahem) celibate crozier carriers just a few years - no, I remember, when John Kerry ran as a Catholic Democrat with the same views. In fact, Kerry supporting Catholics in many diocesan jurisdictions were threatened with sacramental exile if they dared vote for him. Abortion was, after all, one of the FIVE NON NEGOTIABLE ISSUES - the five most important stances that EVERY CATHOLIC had to uphold or he/she was no longer . . . Catholic. The funny thing was back then that even the unspoken favorite of that Shiite Catholic crowd, President McFlightsuit, had views on abortion ("acceptable in cases of rape, incest, and to save a mother's life") that were at odds with the "Official" Church person of no, never, whenever.

So, now that the mothers in Mother Church got what they pushed for and a whole lot more - as in more Iraq death and dismemberment, more poverty, more greed fueled income disparity and, of course no repeal - legislatively, judically or otherwise of Roe v. Wade where is the condemnation of GOP frontrunner Giuliani, and the corresponding admonition to faithful everywhere in the U.S to not vote for him on penalty of near total excommunication if not damnation? LOST is calling you out, Charles Chaput, you too Raymond Burks, and MIchael Sheridan. Prove that you were acting by your professed principles, and not merely as shill/enablers for Bush and Cheney. LOST ain't holding his breath, but sure will continue to raise this point, until you stand up and be counted. If its universally true, then say so, your weekly collection receipts be damned.


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