So Ronald Reagan gets the blame for the anomaly that finds the GOP standing in the sewage of nepotism, self-dealing and moral duality up to their navels, yet waxing nostalgic about the smell of the jasmine flowers? Fascinating, never knew that until today. Nope, LOST just thought that Reagan was the intended namesake of all things public on all levels of the very government he labeled as "the problem" decades ago.
LOST particularly despises the naming, on the campus of the beloved alma mater, of a large medical office building after Saint Ronnie. Reagan, who did so much for the University of California during his 8 year reign of terror in Sacramento. Good lord, if y'all want to be hyprocrites among yourselves, be LOST's guest. Knock yourselves out. But ixnay on the exportationay, already!
So it is with some amusement that today's news bears tales of the 2008 GOP hopefuls turning on one another. Could it be that the rank stench of an oozing pustule of rank avarice and contradiction like Tom DeLay has finally driven them over the edge, and away from Ronnie's Omerta? Or is it that their "All-Star" graft roster has burst at the seams - populated as it is by the bug man, the Dukester, Joe Renzi, Bernie Kerik, Bob Ney, Richard Pombo, Katherine Harris, Jerry Lewis, Mike Brown, Alberto Gonzales, Harriett Miers, Jack Abramoff, and others yet-to-be-named? Is it a form of that last gasping gagging blurt caused by staying silent for so long while serial adulterers like Gingrich pontificated on about the Clinton abuse of fidelity, or while vile, drug addled bloatables like Rush railed self righteously at all things "lib-rul," while tap dancing around the embarrassment of ther own, oh so imperfect behavior?
NAHHHHHHHHHHHH. Its just about winning. And, hoo boy, is it fun to watch!!
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