Monday, November 28, 2005


Yes, LOST pounded on his Congressman severely when the real estate deal of the decade story broke. Like many people in this little corner of Red that is the 50th Congressional District, even LOST was amazed by the open court admission that 2.4 million dollars in bribes were accepted. No, LOST wasn't swayed, surprised or moved in any way that the Dukester invoked the almighty not once, but twice in his "farewell speech." LOST kept thinking "Charles Colson, Charles Colson, Charles Colson."

But seriously, LOST takes no delight in the unmasking of an extraordinarily ballsy display of dishonesty by a local War-Hero-turned-Congressman. A stupid, ballsy display, being that it left a paper trail so traceable that the man would publicly admit to a 2.4 million dollar heist. No, What LOST would prefer is that people - particularly the Cheese Sandwich partisans in the 50th, who would vote for the Cheese Sandwich if it had "R" after its place on the ballot, will wake up and finally, rationally assess the utility in simply voting a straight party card, without taking some time to really investigate the candidates. Dukestir was, like the gag reflex on a sword swallower autonomically returned to Congress seven different times, without so much as a question. All the signs were there - his oafish remarks toward elderly people, minorities, and Democrats. But nobody paid attention.

Isn't it time that we all stopped worrying about what labels we can pin on people and "safely" categorize them without having to critically listen, pay attention and evaluate? Isn't the failure to do these things at least part of the pedophilia scandal rocking the Church? Too many good people turned a blind eye toward the evil of a group of men, simply because good Father whats-is-name would never do something like that, if it even got that far. Isn't that why the Enron boys, or Arthur Andersen got away with their rackets for so long? Certainly everybody saw decorated Viet Nam Pilot, and "R" and that was all they needed to know to let a fox into the henhouse, and keep inviting him back, again and again.

That is the lesson of the Sinking Dukester. Will anybody learn it this time? There's a real nice lady from Cardiff who has her heart in the right place, a good brain, and the ability to speak clearly, who just maybe deserves a chance to lead our little District. How bout it, Cheesers?


At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's got that waxy look of your garden-variety evangelical. Hmmmm....perhaps he can morph into that role....he can be one of the hyprocritical "not perfect but forgiven" crowd.


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