"I like guys who've never been there to criticize us who've been there. I like that,"
"I like guys who got five deferments and never been there, and send people to war, and then don't like to hear suggestions about what needs to be done."
Gee, Unka Dick. That guy spent 37 years in the Marine Corps. He served during Korea, qualified for Officer Candidate School, then volunteered for service in Viet Nam, and retired as a Colonel. And what was your answer, Unka Dick?

“The President and I cannot prevent certain politicians from losing their memory, or their backbone, but we’re not going to let them rewrite history,”
Kind of like when you lost your memory, Unka Dick? You forgot that there was contrary evidence to your claims about WMD in Iraq? You forgot about your status as a Frequent Flee-er from military service in the 1960's? Your "other priorities?" Or was that not a memory loss but your own psychic osteoporosis which ate your own backbone?
37 Years of Military Service versus six deferments, the last one for being an "expectant father." Now a crusader for ongoing war and for torture of other human beings. What a shameless, malignant, soulless b*st*rd you are, Mr. Cheney.
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