Say you run an organization. A big one. One that's been around a helluva long time, and is supposed to provide a sense of direction, identity, continuity, righteousness, and just plain old comfort to the people who belong to your organization. You're looking for a spokesperson, and your search is down to two finalists. One is even keeled, slick-smooth and has no problem at all about looking in whatever direction you point him in and speaking whatever load of crap you want him to spew with a straight face. In fact, he's sooo good at the spewage that lots of people will believe him, even though he's barking out a bagfulla doodoo, and he knows it.
Then there's the other guy. Well educated, well dressed. A little rough around the edges, sometimes speaks a little too fast, and sometimes speaks a little too bluntly. But at day's end, he tells it like it is, even when it's what some folks may not want to hear.
Which of these two finalists gets to run your long term, trusted, membership organization. The smooth liar or the dog-eared truth teller? Is it really a tough choice?
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