Sunday, April 26, 2009


News this week from the "Supermax" Federal prison, as domestically produced wingnut terrorist Terry Nichols has filed papers seeking to upgrade his prison-provided diet. While the whole article plus the petition can be accessed here, the following snipped was quite revealing:

As seen on the following pages, the complaint filed by Nichols--who is imprisoned at the "Supermax" lockup in Florence, Colorado--contends that "God created mankind to consume unrefined whole foods" that work "in a synergistic way to keep one's body (i.e. God's holy temple) in good health to ward off various diseases." Nichols, who stresses that he is "not a terrorist," helpfully included a proposed diet that prison officials should serve (or make available at the Florence commissary). The mass murderer, it seems, is a big fan of Kellogg's bran products. To support his legal claim, Nichols has rounded up declarations from six fellow Florence inmates, each of whom is supposedly beset with assorted digestive issues. Eric Rudolph, whose bombs killed victims at abortion clinics and the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, reports that the "refined and highly processed" food served to killers like him causes "constipation, gas, and stomach cramps." Like Nichols, Rudolph believes "our bodies" are "sacred and should be treated as such."

Ah, Terry? Something tells LOST that God also created mankind to nurture its young and to care for each other, not blow one another to bits, too.


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